You Will Have a Wild Night!

(Budete mať luft!)
by Martin Krč and Pavol Viecha

“You Will Have a Wild Night!“ One of the Roma citizens of a small Slovak village Pobedim was told this quote. On the night of 1st October 1928 a large group of farmers attacked a Roma camp situated nearby the village. The next day police found houses destroyed with many people injured and six of them dead – a girl, just six years old, was one of them.

Documentary theatre piece You Will Have a Wild Night! works with authentic text materials as testimonies, police reports and court records. A team of theatre artists analyzes the motives of the Pobedim massacre and many other repressions against the Roma people which occured in our history.


Pavol Viecha


Martin Krč

Stage and Costume Designer

Emília Rigová


Andrej Majerčík


Libuša Čižmárik Bachratá
Maroš Čižmárik


Petra K. Áčová


Barbora Andrešičová, Monika Hilmerová, Peter Onrejička, Richard Stanke

Premiered on 31 March 2023

Slovak National Theatre